
What is biogas and explain it?

What is biogas and explain it?

What is biogas and explain it? Before we know about it, let me explain about what the gas is. Here it is:

Gas is one of the energy sources that exist in nature. The gas most often used as the main energy source is natural gas or LPG (Liquid Petrol Gas) which is produced by tiny living things that existed millions of years ago which have been turned into petroleum. The space between the oil and the soil in the top layer is where the gas is located. The mixture of gas and oil produces liquefied natural gas. This liquefied natural gas that we use in our daily life for cooking.

Gas is a non-renewable natural resource, meaning it takes millions of years to form it. The imbalance in the excessive use of liquefied natural gas can cause energy sources to run out from here. For that we need to switch to other alternative energy sources such as wind, water, geothermal, sea tide, solar, and so on, and one of them is bio gas.

Bio gas is gas produced from animal manure vapors. Maybe it's not very popular right now, because it's still in research and/or experimentation. Animal manure as an alternative energy is very environmentally friendly and easy to obtain or obtain. Besides being economical, it is also renewable

Animal manure used can be anything, such as cow, buffalo, goat, chicken, and so on. For example, in the experimental stage, collecting animal manure in a container, such as a mineral bottle, has a lid packed with a hole. The hole is given a pipette or some kind of small hose, then close the end of the hose with a rubberized plastic so that air does not enter. The bottle is buried in the soil leaving the plastic-covered end of the hose outside the soil layer for three months or more.

After three months, open the end of the hose for a moment by sprinkling a lighter or match. If there is a fire that strikes, it means that the gas has been formed. If not, wait until a few weeks later. Monitor until the end of the hose has actually released gas. If so, it means the gas can already be used.

This simple experiment proves that every dirt produces a gas such as methane, which functions as a fuel. If it is packaged in a suitable container, we indirectly use alternative energy in an efficient manner. One question arises, do you want to use it?

If you look at the prospects for the future, this bio gas will really help us in the future. Besides being economical, it can also help the environment not be polluted, and help keep the environment clean. If we look at the energy that we use now, energy, namely petroleum energy, really pollutes the air. The smoke generated can make our breathing disturbed, and can cause a greenhouse effect if left for a long time. The greenhouse effect is where smoke containing carbon dioxide in large quantities will billow in the air, to be precise in the uppermost layer of the atmosphere, will form a layer similar to or similar to the nature of glass, that is, when the sun's heat enters the earth, the heat does not will return or will not escape back into cold outer space, so that the air in the earth becomes warm.

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If the hot air continues and lasts a long time on earth, of course it will cause the thick ice sheets at the north and south poles to melt, causing sea levels to rise, and of course there will be lots of sinking islands, or at least reduced land in earth, or in the long term, many areas of the earth's surface will sink. With the use of bio gas energy, it will certainly reduce it. Indeed, in this discourse, we are only talking about the use of bio-gas energy for cooking, not the use of fuel for vehicles or factories, and so on. However, if the use of this gas develops, it is possible that it will be used on a larger and wider scale, so that all energy will one day use bio-gas energy.

If you watch the movie "The Water World", which is a sci-fi film about an earth that has sunk, maybe it can help describe the possibilities that will happen to the earth in the future. Whatever the cause, most experts predict that the main cause is the melting of the ice at the two poles, only Mount Everest in the Himalayas is only land or island, because it is the highest peak in the world today, and even then in the past around the mountains In the Himalayas there are fossils of shellfish, which illustrate that in ancient times the earth also sank, but I don't know what caused it, and it could have been Noah's flood.

The development of the use of bio-gas energy depends on the human being. If responsive to the current and future environment, maybe it can be developed as soon as possible, if not, maybe wait for the current petroleum energy to run out first, or wait for the polar ice to melt. Community empowerment in its use (micro scale), will trigger experts and business people to make a development of energy use as a whole (macro scale), as well as environmentally friendly in the ecosystem on earth.

Thus a brief explanation, hopefully useful

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