
What is the difference between right-brained and the left brained thinkers?

What is the difference between right-brained and the left brained thinkers?

What is the difference between right-brained and the left brained thinkers? Before we known about them, you have to know about what is the brain, the right and left brain. Here is the explanation about them, check it out!

The brain is the center of a whole series of controllers for all members of the body, both external (outside) and internal (inside). The brain works like a CPU (Central Processing Unit) on a computer. However, the human brain has the privilege of God Almighty.

The human brain has two major parts, namely the left brain and the right brain, in addition to the cerebellum which functions to store memory. In general, the left brain and right brain have the following functions:

The Left Brain

Functionally, as a process of thinking about something concrete (real), for example: when we see objects in nature, of course we know these objects, be it color, shape, size, and so on.

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The Right Brain

Functionally, as a thinking process for something abstract (imaginative), for example: a painter imagines in advance what he wants to paint; also, as speculation or prediction of an opportunity, for example a business that requires accurate predictions so that it runs smoothly with the level of business risk not going too far off the mark, also for example weather forecasts, and so on.

To train the performance balance of the left brain and right brain; is to use both hands equally. Usually musicians or dancers (artists) have often done it, such as playing the guitar, piano, drums, and so on. If necessary, when we eat something, occasionally use the right teeth if we often eat with the left teeth, or vice versa.

What if you are not involved in the arts?

You can also do it by moving the tip of your index finger to form a transverse figure eight like a circle of glasses in the air, to train your balance.

Listening to music is also a way to stimulate the performance of the brain, especially for babies in the womb. Classical music or recitation of the holy book (for example: the Qur'an) is very good for the mother to listen to to stimulate her intelligence (listen to or recite it on on the mother's belly). In addition, a few years after birth, walking on Japanese grass is also very good for stimulating brain performance.

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Mineral salts that contain iodine are also very good for brain intelligence, as well as protein, such as in meat, fish, eggs, tempeh, tofu, soybeans, milk that contains omega, and others. However, watch out for cholesterol, if you consume it in excess, it will give you a headache, because the blockage of blood vessels blocks the passage of oxygen to the brain.

Our brains also need time to rest for a while such as sleeping or refreshing somewhere to be fresh again. If rarely done, sometimes we feel tired. This happens because a lot of thinking makes the memory flow confusing, by refreshing like a computer, it will run smoothly as before

Exercising regularly can also increase the supply of oxygen to the brain. But don't overdo it if your blood pressure (tension) is low or high, as much as you can. Consuming watermelon or cucumber can also lower blood pressure.

For those of us who are left-handed, for example, or often do something using our left hand, there is a potential to make it easier to balance our brains, because, if you are used to using your left hand, for example writing, it will be very easy to do other things using your right hand. However, people who are left-handed, very rarely found. Left-handedness occurs maybe because when I was little I often used my left hand, so that I got used to everything using my left hand.

From the description above, we know that the brain is a gift that is priceless, which we must protect and use in order to stay balanced and function optimally, both left and right hands.

Thus, hopefully useful.

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