The secret to successfully passing the exam is very simple to be done. Especially in final exam which is used the multiple choice. Multiple choice questions are a form of questions that are very easy to work on as well as practical in the process and easy to give a score or assessment of, especially now, in scoring you can use several applications that make it easier to calculate. In multiple choice questions, all we have to do is choose the correct or most correct answer from what we think is correct, or in other words, actually the answer already exists in the answer choices, it just requires a more thorough and careful analysis. But the problem is, when there are answers that have multiple or ambiguous meanings, or in other words are doubtful, as if there are several or two answers that are almost right in our opinion, we often make mistakes or make mistakes in choosing them, and when we are careful in answer it, precisely here we will spend quite a lot of time when analyzing it which risks the time available will not be sufficient. What's worse, when time is running out, there are still a lot of questions that haven't been completed, and what's worse, most of the last questions sometimes have a few questions that are even easy to answer, but because there's only a few minutes of time available, the questions are easy to answer. answered earlier feels difficult and sometimes we are careless in filling it considering the countdown of time that goes on.
So how do you fix it so that this doesn't happen?
Here are tips or how to overcome them, here we go!
Sometimes we tend to fill in the questions sequentially, or are too procedural, or sometimes we can say they are perfect because they are systematic in their work and orderly in filling them out, because on average everything is so early. However, when you meet a question whose answer is ambiguous (double meaning) or there are 2 or 3 answers that are similar or both or all three are correct, this is where you start running out of time or the beginning of time which will run out a lot in vain by itself, and without we realize, we follow a pattern that goes on and on. This is where we forerunners will have to make the decision to do the easy questions first, which should have been done or done at the beginning of the previous time, or at least we have had a mindset (set the beginning) thoughts or have an intention to do the questions that are difficult. easy first, so that when we find questions that are doubtful, it will be much easier in our mindset and mentally to be able to go through them easily, and just stay focused on the easy questions. What are the characteristics of easy questions like?
An easy question is a question that when we read it once we already know the answer without having to re-read the question again or many times. Do it for all subsequent questions up to the last question and leave questions whose answers are doubtful and mark them with a dot (.) on the question number on the question paper. If the question uses an application, usually there is a color change mark on the problem that has been done. Then, for questions with difficult answers, just leave them without any markings.
Here we have pocketed many correct answers in the early minutes.
An ambiguous question is a question where the answer is doubtful or there are 2 or 3 answers that have almost the same answer even though we have read the question 2 or 3 times. Of course, we have marked such questions with a dot (.) before the question number.
In this case, we use our best feelings.
Usually in the form of questions with long sentences, the answers tend to be short, and vice versa, questions with short sentences, the answers tend to be long as if the answer sentences are complete or use sentences with standard words (according to EYD/Enhanced Spelling) or also in other words like sentences in reading books in general, and not sentences with everyday words (as we often practice in everyday life/sentences with non-standard words).
When all the easy questions have been answered up to the last question, carefully start working on the ambiguous questions marked with a dot in the question number. Here, of course, we have enough time to do it, because easy questions certainly require a little time to work on and of course have been filled in beforehand without having to repeat them again, because it will take time, which is the main cause of failure.
If feeling doesn't help enough, use gut feeling.
Feeling here means sensitivity of the heart with careful analysis in accordance with some of the suggestions above, not feeling dazed mind. The hunch here also means the sensitivity of the heart and a sharper foresight of analysis, not the hunch of misguided thoughts. So, use clarity of heart and cleanliness of mind when you have used your feelings and hunches, so that it is easy to use your heart's sensitivity and analytical foresight when choosing any of the most difficult answers, and that is why before starting an exam we pray first, and afterwards so that whatever the result we sincerely accept it. Only sincere prayer can do it all.
Finally, the questions that are left behind or the most difficult questions where we really don't know the answer at all and there is no mark on the question number, just answer it with a hunch without thinking anymore, because surely there is only a little more time left.
The point is not to leave answers that are empty, because if they are filled in, there will definitely be a chance of truth. Just an empty answer that doesn't stand any chance.
If we look at the opportunities of the three ways are as follows:
- The answer is definitely 100% chance,
- Doubtful answers have a 50% chance (if using a hunch), 75%, (if using a feeling), and
- Don't know the answer, 25% chance if filled, if not, then there will be no chance whatsoever, aka 0%
That is the case, and it is very important earlier and emphasized so that you don't forget to pray before and after it, because by praying, Insya Allah (God Willing), everything will be made easy by the Creator of the Universe, Aamiin.
That's all, if there are questions and input that are relevant and significant and constructive for the betterment of education, please write them in the comments column, Akhirul Kalam, Wassalam.