The Pray is Sholat or Do'a , so when we pray, it means we have prayed or what is our wish, Allah already knows it.
The command to pray has been ordered from the time of the Prophets, and at the time of the Prophet Muhammad it was the same. Allah's direct prayer command that gave when the Prophet Muhammad SAW Isra' Mi'raj from Mecca to Baitul Maqdis and from Baitul Maqdis ascended to the seventh heaven. The Prophet Muhammad SAW received the direct order as if the Prophet saw Allah, because there was a light that veiled him.
At that time the Prophet received an order to pray 50 cycles. Then he descended into the sky where he met Prophet Musa Alaihissalam. Prophet Musa said it would be nice if the Prophet asked to reduce the number of rak'ahs, because his people (Prophet Musa AS) who were large in stature would not necessarily be able to do it. Then the Prophet SAW climbed back up and begged as the Prophet Musa suggested. Then, Allah the Most Merciful reduce it. Then he (the Prophet SAW) came down and met Prophet Musa AS again. He (Prophet Musa AS) also suggested asking to be reduced again. This event was repeated several times until the prayer command was 5 times. Even then the Prophet Musa suggested that Return be reduced. However, because the Prophet SAW was embarrassed to go back and forth, in the end, Allah, the Most Compassionate and Merciful, determined that the value of the 5 daily prayers was equal to the value of the 50 daily prayers.
Prayer is the second Pillar of Islam after the Shahada (bearing witness that Allah is the One God and the Prophet Muhammad SAW is His Messenger). Prayer is an obligatory order, meaning that if it is done it gets a priority and if it is left out it gets a sin, whether doing it in light conditions or not.
Prayer consists of 5 times, namely: Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha. In addition to the obligatory prayer, it is also good to do the sunnah prayer. Sunnah means that if you do it you get priority and if you don't it doesn't matter.
There are several Sunnah prayers, namely: Sunnah Tahyatul Mosque Prayer, Rawatib, Taubah, Hajat, Tahhajud, Witir, Dhuha, etc. Tahyatul Mosque Sunnah Prayers are performed when entering the mosque. The Rawatib prayer is performed before Fajr, before and after Dzuhur, after Maghrib and after Isya. The Sunnah prayers of Tahyatul Masjid and Rawatib are 2 cycles in total, except for the Sunnah prayers before Dzuhur which are 4 cycles and 2 greetings. Meanwhile, the Tauba and Hajat prayers may be as long as the count is even, as well as the Tahajud Prayer, only the Witr prayer whose count is odd. The Tahajud and Witir prayers are usually performed at night, getting up in the middle of the night/from sleep, except for the Dhuha Prayer which is performed in the morning before noon.
There are sunnah prayers that are muakkad or prioritized, namely Friday prayers, 2 cycles of prayer. Jum'ah prayers have many virtues. There is one moment when our prayer must be answered, namely: when the priest sits between two sermons, we only have a few seconds to pray, and don't let it be interrupted, that is, when the priest gets up from his seat (after praying ) don't let our prayers be interrupted. So pray that the business is as short as possible, or really needed. There is another priority is the time when attending the mosque. Those who arrive first will receive the priority of a camel, those who are in the middle, the size of a goat, those who are late or almost late, the size of a chicken, and those who are really late, the size of a chicken egg, wallahu'alam.
Another sunnah prayer is the prayer of the two holidays, namely: Sunnah Aidul Fitri and Adha, the law is also Muakkad (sunnah that is important/prioritized). The sunnah prayers for Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha consist of 2 roka'at, where the sermon is held after the prayers have been completed. The Aidul Fitri prayer is carried out after we have carried out a full month of fasting in the month of Ramadan, and the Aidul Adha prayer is when a servant of Allah performs the pilgrimage to Mecca Al-Mukaromah and Medina Al-Munawaroh which falls in the month of Dzulhijjah or the twelfth month. After carrying out the Aidul Adha prayer service, usually for three days is the time to make qurban, for those who can afford it.
Then there are the sunnah prayers which are held during the month of Ramadan, namely the sunnah tarawih prayers. The number of cycles depends on each school of thought. Some are 8 cycles with 3 witrs, and some are 20 cycles with 3 witrs as well.
At the time of Rasulullah SAW, the Apostle performed this prayer more at home than at the mosque, only a few days at the mosque, except for the last 10 nights, he only did I'tikaf at the mosque, because, he was worried, later it would become a must if he prayed the sunnah must be in the mosque, and of course it will be burdensome for his people later, except for only a few nights, and every last 10 nights, he is in the mosque only doing I'tikaf. However, some schools of thought, especially during the time of the Companions, still carried out this sunnah worship at the mosque, and that was of course in accordance with their respective opinions. Hopefully it won't burden the next generation, wallahu'alam.
The next prayer is the unseen prayer, namely: the Maiyyit prayer. This prayer can be performed directly in front of the deceased (without bowing and prostration) and in other places that are far away. This prayer is only performed one last time for the deceased, because if we don't pray, it means that after that we are prayed for, meaning, to state that prayer is very important, both in light and heavy circumstances, until we die, all that remains is to pray. According to some stories from servants who make pilgrimages to mosques in Arabia, after every obligatory prayer, an occult prayer is usually held, with the aim of who knows that in one day a Muslim will die. Whether it's at sea, on the battlefield, etc., wallahu'alam.
There are still several other sunnah prayers such as the istisqa sunnah prayer (asking for rain) and istikharah (making urgent choices), and so on.
Thus a brief explanation of the sunnah prayers performed by Rasulullah SAW, hopefully you will get wisdom, wabillahi taufik wal guidance, wassalamu'alaikum, warahmatullahi, wabarokatuh.
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