p How many steps are in photosynthesis? -->

How many steps are in photosynthesis?


How Many Steps are in Photosynthesis?

The Photosynthesis, in his study before understanding it, we must first understand biology, which is divided into 2 kingdoms of living things, namely, the Animal Kingdom (Animale Kingdom) and the Plant Kingdom (Plantae Kingdom). Animals are heterotrophic organisms, because they cannot make their own food, for example carnivorous animals (animal eaters), herbivores (plant eaters), and omnivores (eat everything), while plants are autotrophic organisms, meaning plants are organisms that can make their own food. The ability of plants to make their own food is carried out by a process called photosynthesis.

The Photosynthesis is a process of making their own food by plants. In language, photo means light, and synthesis means alloy or mixture. In terms, photosynthesis is a process or the ability of plants to make their own food in the leaves during the day. Why during the day? Because the sun's heat energy is needed for this process. Photosynthesis is an attempt by plants to survive, because the results of photosynthesis are food ingredients that will be distributed to all parts of the plant. Here is a short and simple process: 





The Photosynthesis requires water or mineral-containing salts that are in the soil to be absorbed by plants through the root tips. Then the water which contains a lot of nutrients is channeled through the wooden vessels (Xylem) to all parts of the plant, one of which is channeled to the leaves, where the process of photosynthesis will occur. These nutrients are processed by plants in the leaves mixed with carbon dioxide (smoke/combustion/breathing of living things, etc.) from the outdoors and cooked (heated) with the help of sunlight in the leaves (here the leaves function as a sort of cauldron or frying pan, and the sun's heat as a stove fire if we cook). The results of the food or photosynthesis process will later be distributed through the sieve tubes (Ploem) throughout the plant to survive, and the rest is reserved. In this food supply, some are in roots such as tubers, some are in stems such as sugarcane, sago, etc., and some are in flowers which become fruit. This process occurs and takes place continuously.

Read : Water

The Photosynthesis, apart from being used for plant needs, and/or as a food reserve, the results of photosynthesis are also in the form of oxygen. Carbon dioxide (smoke, etc.) is converted by plants in such a way as to produce clean air that we breathe every second. This oxygenated air is of course very much needed by living things, including humans, and this oxygen is of course formed during the day, not at night, because at night the reverse process occurs, namely plants emit carbon dioxide and need oxygen.

The Photosynthesis also has something to do with plants to reproduce. This is because the results of photosynthesis are in the form of fruit as a food reserve, there are seeds in the fruit, as the forerunners of new plants. Initially, before becoming a fruit, the results of photosynthesis are distributed into flowers, which are a means of plant reproduction. Pollen as a male breeding tool and stigma as a female breeding tool meet each other with the help of wind or animals. The result of this meeting becomes the zygote which is the beginning of the formation of fruits and seeds.

The Photosynthesis briefly can be concluded from the explanation of the process above, we analogize it in a simple way, namely:
* The sun is the fire of the stove
*The leaves are used as a frying pan
*Nutrition elements are food ingredients and seasonings
* Carbon dioxide is the ignition
*Sugar is the food
*Oxygen is the smell of cooking.

Thus a brief explanation of the process of plant photosynthesis briefly and simply. Hopefully it will be useful in forming a simple level understanding, which will later be studied in detail at a higher level regarding the Photosynthesis process.
