
Bagaimana Cara Pembagian Pecahan Biasa?


Bagaiamana Cara Pembagian Pecahan Biasa?

Dividing common fractions is very easy to operate. As with multiplication, when dividing ordinary fractions, we just need to reverse the second fraction, where the numerator becomes the denominator, and vice versa, the denominator becomes the quantifier. Then, all we have to do is multiply them as we would multiply ordinary fractions, namely: the quantifier multiplied by the quantifier, and the denominator multiplied by the denominator. Consider the following examples:

2/3 : 4/5 = 2/3 x 5/4 = 10/12 = 5/6


2/3 : 4/5 =....


Common fractional numbers in the second fractional numbers, namely:

We turn 4/5 back to 5/4


When we have reversed the second common fraction number, then, the operational system is from division (2/3 : 4/5) to multiplication, namely:

2/3 x 5/4


When it becomes an operational multiplication system, then, all we have to do is multiply the same quantifier and denominator, namely:

2 x 5 = 10 (Numerator), and

3 x 4 = 12 (Denominator), can be written as:


In the final step, all we have to do is simplify the result, because it can still be simplified, with the numerator and denominator both divided by 2, so the result becomes:

10:2 / 12:2 =5/6

Easy enough, right?

Baca Juga : The Division Common Fraction Numbers (Pembagian Pecahan Biasa)
