
What is right and obligation with examples?

What is right and obligation with examples?


We often hear the term, namely, rights and obligations. Sometimes we already know what rights are and what are obligations. However, in practice in the field alias in everyday life, sometimes it is very difficult to do or implement. There are also those who find it difficult to distinguish between rights and obligations, because sometimes there are those that are almost similar, aliases, but not the same. For example, in general elections. There are those who find it difficult to distinguish, whether choosing one pair of candidates is an individual right or obligation as a citizen in making it successful. For that, we need to understand the key first, what are rights, and what are obligations. Let's review them one by one.

First is Rights.

Rights are something we accept. For example the right to life. Everyone has the right to live and defend his life. Everyone has the right to life, and is the most basic (fundamental) right for every human being. In addition to the right to life, a person is also entitled to a decent life for humanity, and receive legal protection, if the right to life is threatened by something. The right to a decent living for humanity is regulated in Article 27 of the 1945 Constitution

There is also one example that rights and obligations are the same, as we as citizens have the right and obligation to defend this country. This is regulated in the 1945 Constitution Article 27 paragraph 3, namely, every citizen has the right and obligation to participate in efforts to defend the State, and Article 30 paragraph 1, namely, every citizen has the right and obligation to participate in efforts to defend the country and security. . In these articles defending the country is a right and an obligation? Of course the relation is for the sake of security, what is certain is that a sense of security is our common right, and to get it, of course we have to fight so that this country is safe first and it is absolutely an obligation. Why, because to make it all happen, of course we have to fight something that is not safe (an enemy from outside) with an obligation called conscription. So, conscription is a collective obligation, and the result of this conscription is a sense of security which is everyone's right. Here we can also understand, that what takes precedence is the obligation first, then the rights we receive.

What are our rights as students? Of course our main right as students is to get an education. In accordance with Article 31 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution, namely that every citizen has the right to education. At least 9 years of education, namely SD/MI and SMP/MTs. However, in accordance with the times, where the demands of work and so on, at least now at least have graduated from SMA/MA

Then Obligations.

Obligation is something we have to give or do. An example is that every citizen is obliged to pay taxes to the government for development. Of course we have to do this obligation, because without taxes, of course this country will not be able to develop and progress. Why is that? This is because all state facilities such as roads, bridges, and so on, of course, must be built and maintained for the smooth running of the economy of the people who use or use them, as well as state apparatus serving the community, of course their hard work and dedication will be fulfilled, if not, who will serve them? public? For this reason, after we receive the right to use roads and bridges or are served by the state apparatus, of course we carry out our obligation to provide obligations in the form of taxes, which of course we first fulfill our obligations to pay taxes, then we get the right to enjoy state facilities.

Then, what is our obligation as students? Of course our obligation as students is to study, in accordance with article 31 paragraph 2 which reads, every citizen is obliged to attend basic education and the government is obliged to finance it. During the colonial era, our heroes fought to defend this country by gaining independence from the invaders. So, our obligation to fill it during independence or now is to study. What's so hard about learning, than in the old days going to war risking their lives, crying, and even many losing their families and property, as well as their hometowns. We sometimes just learn to be very lazy. Not told to make money, or go to war. However, not all current generations are like that. There are those who continue to study diligently to seek knowledge for the future of the country and themselves, of course. By studying diligently, everything that God Willing will achieve, Aamiin.

Here are some examples of our rights and obligations both at home and at school:

A. Obligations At Home
1. Honoring parents

2. Helping parents

3. Cleaning the house

4. Watering flowers / ornamental plants

5. Doing homework

6. And others

B. Rights At Home
1. Get love, care, and protection from parents

2. Getting a living physically and spiritually such as food, drink, clothing, and shelter

3. Receive funding for all school education needs

4. Get pocket money when given.

5. And others

C. Obligations At School
1. Respect the principal, teachers, and other staff/employees

2. Discipline follows school rules

3. Be friendly, kind and polite from words and deeds (attitude)

4. Study hard and diligently

5. Maintain and care for school facilities

6. And others

D. Rights At School
1. Get educational services

2. Get protection

3. Get use of school facilities

4. And others

In terms of rights and obligations both at home and at school, we should not push our rights too hard, so that it becomes a burden for other people, if one of these rights cannot be fulfilled or can still be postponed, except for those that are only vital or important, such as primary needs ( staple), namely, clothing (clothing), food (food), and boards (home/shelter), because, of course, we adapt the situation to the conditions of our family or school. For example, if our parents are from underprivileged families, of course we as children cannot force our parents to fulfill our pocket money every day, especially in amounts beyond the family's economic capacity, because other friends whose allowance is limited to average or at generally. Just being able to eat is so grateful. Then at school, if there are inadequate school facilities, because there are only a few students, so school operational assistance is not the same as for procuring new study benches or desks, we simply accept the facilities of the study benches and desks as they are first, waiting for assistance from the government or other parties provide the mobile facility.

Thus a brief description of rights and obligations and their differences. Hope this is useful.
