
What is the main activity of the economy?

What is the main activity of the economy?


The economy activity is like a movement that If we go to outer space, if we look at the earth, at a certain distance, we will see that movement of the objects below it. The movement can only come from objects such as vehicles, for example cars, ships, planes, and so on. It could be that the movement comes from humans, or other living things such as animals and trees that are blown by the wind. If the movement originates from humans, as is the case with the vehicles they use, then we will ask. Where is the direction and destination?

Yes, of course we will answer right away, that the direction and purpose is to reach a destination. That's a simple answer. However, behind it all is that the direction and purpose is to achieve the fulfillment of life's needs every day, both physical needs and spiritual needs (mental satisfaction). All of these activities, of course, are to find a means of meeting these needs, namely money.
Human efforts to make money with the aim of fulfilling the necessities of life are called economic activities. These activities are carried out every day, because fulfilling the needs of each individual is of course daily or at any time. By carrying out economic activities or the current term is working alias earning money so they can eat and so on, humans must interact with each other.

For example, if a human wants to eat, of course he has to buy rice, and in order to have rice, of course he has to plant rice first. Here people who grow rice are called producers and those who need or need rice are called consumers (users/users), and those who distribute it are called distributors, having carried out an economic activity.

In economic activity, there is a means of fulfilling these necessities of life, namely money, and the needs to be met are in the form of goods and services.

Goods are something that fulfills the needs of life in a real or concrete form. Goods are usually used as a means of fulfilling our physical or bodily needs. For example, the need for food and drink, etc., requires rice/rice/rice and water such as water, tea, milk, coffee, and so on. also side dishes such as fish, meat, eggs, tofu, tempeh, and so on, as well as vegetables such as spinach, kale, cassava leaves, mustard greens, and so on.

Means of meeting the next need is a service. Services are usually abstract (not real), but we can feel the benefits. For example, transportation services (transportation). We can reach a place that is far away by using these transportation services, both land, sea and air transportation.

What happens when there is no economic activity?

Try to imagine, if there is no place for oil palm farmers to sell their palm oil products, how will they get rice? While you know that palm oil cannot be used as a staple food and to get rice there is of course a place to store palm oil to sell and get money to buy rice, of course that is impossible. For this reason, economic activities really need to be carried out by humans in meeting the needs of life from various sources of livelihood and different professions (the ancient term was barter, aka goods exchange of goods before money existed). Therefore, economic activity is very necessary in this case.

In conclusion, economic activities are broadly divided into three, namely:
1. Producer activities
2. Distribution activities
3. Consumption activities

Then economic actors are also divided into three, namely:
1. Manufacturer
2. Distributors
3. Consumers

Thus a brief explanation of economic activities by economic actors which are an important and inseparable part of our lives every day who need each other to fulfill the necessities of life. Hopefully this article is useful in adding insight in the field of economics, that's all, best regards.
