
What are 3 time management techniques?

What are 3 time management techniques?

What are 3 time management techniques?

What are 3 time management techniques? Before we know them, we have to know about what is the time of management at first. 

Time management is an easy way to manage our time in our daily activities. We both realize that we are often overwhelmed in managing time. Sometimes the time we have remembered for something to be done or planned, we will not always remember, and what we have arranged, will not always run smoothly. In addition to obstacles from various factors, such as age (forgetting), negligence, the nature of always procrastinating, being lazy to move, or jumping the frog immediately moving without thinking about it can cause the time of implementation to clash, and other activities will fall victim to the consequences (time that clashed). Of course this will be very detrimental to us. An opportunity that is more valuable will simply be missed because we are wrong in managing it. Besides we don't know which is important, more important, and most important in assessing it, without realizing it, we don't know and realize how important time is first. Before we get to practical ways of managing time well, it would be nice to know what time really is.

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Time exists when space is created, and time runs when objects or contents of that space travel through the room itself, which takes a relatively long time, depending on the density and speed of the object in traveling through and through a room.

Time is also contained in the old saying that time is money, which can also be translated, that time is opportunity. If we can't use it as well as possible, then we will lose opportunities in this life, whether in a career, or making money. Time is also a sword (Arabic proverb), that if we can't use a sword properly, then we will be slashed by the opponent's sword if in a matter of seconds we cannot avoid it, or in other words, we will be crushed by time.

Time is also stated in Islam in Surah Al-Ashr: 3 verses, which means:

"1. For the sake of Time; 2. Indeed, humans are in loss; 3. Except for those who believe and do good deeds, and wills testify with truth, and wills testify with patience."

In the sense of the word, that time is one of the most valuable assets in this life, also in the next day. Time will not be able to return if we can use it as well as possible. History will not repeat itself, and humans will not be able to return to the world after being in the afterlife. A statement once said that something that is farthest and farthest is time if we neglect it, and what gets closer is death. So, use the time as well as possible to achieve happiness in the world and the hereafter (Happy in the world and happy in the here after).

These terms of time and how we manage them or organize them already exist further than various other literacies as well, for that it is better if we organize and use them appropriately and efficiently, in the sense that we have to make a kind of time planning arrangement so that time is not wasted or just passes without leaving any benefit for ourselves or others.

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The time management in question is as follows:


Schedule planning is part of planning a schedule, remembering what to do is important. In addition to routines, additional schedules that are deemed necessary can also be planned, so that when there is free time it can be done. But remember, don't sacrifice rest time for that purpose.


Priority is the ultimate choice. After remembering the tasks or activities, choose which ones are important as part of the schedule. The task or activity to be selected is the most important part of the whole series of activities from making the schedule later.


Writing the schedule must be with an attractive scheme, and stick it in a place that you can easily remember.

Here is an example of a Job Schedule schema:





04.00 WIB

Get Up


07.00 WIB



12.00 WIB

Take A Rest                 


14.00 WIB



17.00 WIB

Go Home


19.00 WIB

Doing Homework


20.00 WIB


The most important thing and need to remember in managing or managing time is the Priority Scale. A lot of schedules will make it difficult for you to tell which one to do first. By making a schedule, besides the main work will be completed first, other work will be completed by itself without requiring additional time to do it; and that is not less important as well, DO IT NOW!

How important is time in a reflection as a way to realize how important time is in life, we ask those who have lived it:

- Realizing the importance of 1 YEAR, ask elementary school children who live in class.

- Realizing the importance of 1 MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.

- Realizing the importance of 1 WEEK, ask the Publisher of the Weekly Tabloid Magazine.

- Realizing the importance of 1 DAY, ask a father who has 10 children who work as daily laborers to meet their daily food needs.

- Realizing the importance of 1 HOUR, ask a lover who is waiting for his future partner with his muhrim brother to eat together.

- Realizing the importance of 1 MINUTES, ask passengers who are late/miss flight schedule.

- Realizing the importance of 1 SECOND, ask the driver who escaped death.

- Realizing the importance of 1 MILLION SECOND, ask the Olympic Athlete in Short Distance Running (Sprint) who won the Silver Medal.





= Don't wait until tomorrow, what can you do today! =

"Don't wait for tomorrow, what can you do today!"

Time management must be implemented with commitment and continuity and high integrity, if we consistently implement it, as a habitual effort, so that we can use time efficiently and effectively without wasting it. That way, if we are optimal as a whole, it will minimize the consequences of our negligence in implementing 3 practical steps for managing time.

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